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Tuesday 20 September 2011

Party coming...

Всем привет!!  Вы еще не знаете?!! С 21 по 27 Сентября в блоге Feline Playful будет Feline Playful Thankful Party и Blog Hop. (смотри подробности здесь )
Hello Everybody!! Didn`t you know yet ?!! From 21st to 27th September on Feline Playful Blog will be Feline Playful Thankful Party and Blog Hop (for details see here)

65 Спонсоров!! Победители каждый день!!! Приглашаем всех!! Пометьте в своём календаре неделю с 21 по 27 сентября!! И ждите ДАТУ!! Увидимся там!!
65 sponsors!! Winners are every day !! Welcome everyone!!! Mark your calendar the week of September 21st to 27th!! And wait DATE !!! See you there !!
(это сообщение закреплено. Для новых сообшений смотри дальше)
(This post is fixed. For new posts please see below)
Всех ЛЮ,


ladyjanet_56 said...

I'll be there even if I don't know what I'm doing wich isn't hard for me at parties which is usually what happens, Janet

downrightcrafty said...

Cannot wait hun
Hugs Kate xx
PS I have some more new candy if you are interested :)

downrightcrafty said...

hiya, just had to pop by and say preparing for my 500 candy now :) cannot believe it and totally thrilled :)
Hugs Kate xx