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Tuesday, 30 July 2013

POS Malaysia Ridiculous Shipping Rate

Hi Everyone,
Usually I dont write in my blog anything accept about my craft and about myself (sometimes )).. But today with tears on my eyes I copy this post from another blog about "Pos Malaysia".  From May 2013 they increase shipping price for International envelops/packets/pacels..  (till some post offices charged old price it was not that pain, but no more now.. New rate everywhere)..
   This is really sad for me as I am small business owner and just start to build my costumers list and now I have to close it down because nobody will pay 10$us for items of 1.50$us... 
    I am closing my ETSY shop for now for sell craft supplies... Planing added my jeweleries items late there.. Will see.. And turn my "Iva Nova Chest" to local business... I would like to say "THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH" for my costumers for your support and kind words you said to me. I shall miss you!!

Price Revised for International Shipment from Yours Truly....POS MALAYSIA

Sellers who run an online business or ship parcels internationally will be shock when they visit their local post office (POS Malaysia) and was informed that the revised rates for International Shipment increased drastically with affect of 15th May (Wednesday).  And what worst, it is a flat rate system for international postage rate! 

Just to give you an idea how much POS Malaysia have REVISED the rates, check out the following booklet that was given to us (=___=)

Imagine sending a small parcel weighing less than 150 grams and was told by the staff that it now cost RM60 (previously it only cost less than RM20). Imagine my stunned expression on my face when the staff informed me of the revised rate....I was like..."WHAT THE HELL"!!!! And mind you, I have yet to include the Registered mail tracking, which by the way it had increased from RM4.10 to RM4.60 for the international registered labels. (=.=)"""

My last visit to the post office was on the 13th of May (Monday) and I was not aware that there was any revised of the rates. The staff informed that they only received the notice on Tuesday (14th May). Well, to keep this short....I can tell you that I was not able to send out all my parcels cause I was short of cash that day. Imaging....bringing RM200 to the post office to send out 5 small parcels ONLY....and I was short of cash! 
I was informed by another online seller that the reason for price increased was due to high fuel prices, which is one of the main factor for their decision.... which by the way I don't buy it (Bullshit is more like it). What really annoys me was that POS Malaysia did not make any announcement earlier. Rather, they just increased the damm price tremendously without any notice (1 day notice does not count...MIND YOU). As a big corporate like POS Malaysia, they should have given the public sufficient time to 'digest' or perhaps revised the rate in moderation rather than hiking up the rates sky high. 
By the way....the booklet which was given to us...there was a quote which says "to enhance customer's experience and create better value".  Seriously?!?!?! I'm loss for words. Enhance? More like Anger or Annoyed the hell out of their customer's experience. Better Value? How is it better value when we are paying excessive flat rate delivery charge?
Just to share the above image which I found online via google. The words say it all!
(original post: HERE )
For challenge blogs owners: Please, don`t worry, I shall sponsor challenges by schedule for 2013 as we planed. It is not my style to cut down on half way..
(Sorry my English)


Всех ЛЮ,


1 Janice said...

Poor Nat, you have worked so hard to build up your business. Jx

2 Alexandra♥ said...

Oh, Natalie, sorry to hear the news ; (

3 theCook said...

The postal fees are skyrocketing everywhere I think... I used to buy a lot of craft supplies in the US but not anymore with those high shipping rates... Is this the end of international commerce?

4 Kathyk said...

So sorry to hear that your business has had to take the hit on this ill conceived money grabbing price hike.

All the best


5 Chris said...

What a shame, Nat! You have worked so hard to build your business, it seems totally unfair for you to have to close it through no fault of your own.

6 mags said...

So sorry to hear this news. It is so hard when you have built your business up.